4 Ways to Take Care of Your Skin this Summer
Every time my family went to the beach, my parents made my sisters and me lather our bodies with sunscreen, reapply it every hour, wear a shirt, and wear a hat.
I used to absolutely hate it, but then I realized the benefits of doing all of these things.
1. Wear sunscreen
Wearing sunscreen protects your skin from the sun's harmful rays. As we all know, sunscreen prevents sunburn, skin cancer, and wrinkles, so don't forget to lather up this summer!
2. Re-apply every time
Reapplying sunscreen every hour or so is crucial. Swimming can wash away the sunscreen on your skin, so more needs to be applied to grant the most protection from the sun.
3. Cover up
Covering up is important for long amounts of time spent outside. Wearing clothing like a shirt or hat and seeking shade reduces exposure to UV rays and minimizes skin damage.
4. Hydration
Staying hydrated (inside and out) is important for good health. Drinking water helps improve your skin and using hydrating skin care is always beneficial because it gives your skin a radiant complexion.